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Mandalawangi Cibodas

WW Mandalawangi with a 39.5 ha forest production status is developed as Perkemahan Earth. The location is very strategic which is a tourist destination Cipanas - Puncak Bogor, including forest management region RPH Pacet, BKPH Gede Tikur KPH Cianjur, and the administrative government including the Village District Rarahan Pacet District cianjur. 
Wana is located on the tour this altitude 1100 m dpl. Field configuration is generally hilly and bumpy. Rainfall 3500 - 4500 mm / year with a temperature average of 18 - 200 C. 


Scenic pine forest and natural forest with a diversity of species that are high among the tree Puspa, Rasamala, Nangka, Damar, Saninten, Jamuju, Baros, Huju, Connect, Syfrus, suren, Kaliandra, Filisium, official, Salam, Mahoni, Cemara, Kurai, sengon, Flamboyan, Pulus, Eucalypus, Kihaji, Riung children, bungur, Angsana, Beringin, Aksia, Rumput bitter, bitter Jampang, Sulanjana, Alang-alang, Putri shame, Antanan, Totoropongan, Takokak, Kaso, Kecubung, Tepus, Sembung mountain , Kiurat, Lemmo, Kingkilaban, Lakotmala, Paku andom, Kadaka, Rattan, Konyal. 
Fauna that are found in this tour of Wana lainburung sparrow, Kutilang, tekukur, jogjog, sesap honey, owl, kepodamng, heron, alap-alap and scorpions, otter, dogs huhtan, wildcat, squirrel, menjangan, bats, primates long tails, spotted tiger, wild pig and trenggiling. 
Wana area as a tourism Mandalawangi daily tours and camping tours especially for students. 

Can be achieved with the vehicle wheels 4 wheels and 6 with the distance 25 km from Cianjur, 85 km from Bandung and around 95 km from the road asphalt.

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